

The objective of this page is to update our position as often as possible, this is obviously dependant on internet access. We have advised our children and close friends, our plan is to keep this page at least one month out of date so they do not know our true whereabouts!

Route Listing 2020 Summary

This year (2020) has been determined by Covid-19, it has been the same for the whole world and every one in it! We have spent 12 months in the UK, watching and waiting for the best time to return back to Sailaway. We had initially planned to remain in the UK until the Spring of 2021 but, our jobs have been affected, we have concerns over our own safety due to the somewhat total disrespect of the guidelines issue by our government - it's crazy in our opinion. Our approach is to safeguard oneself in any way possible as there appears very little respect for others by many


Please use the following links to join us with our travels both by road and sea:


Over land from Carloforte, Isola de San Pietro, SW Sardinia to the UK. ( till ).







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